Last-minute shopping for the holidays


It’s less than 10 days til Christmas, and you’ve just barely made it through half of your holiday shopping list. The panic may have set in and you might be worrying that you just don’t have enough time to get everything done.

This is a common scenario around the holidays. Shoppers have the best intentions to get their gifts early, but whether because of work obligations or social events, the task seems to get pushed further and further into December. Soon many are staring down the calendar experiencing sweaty palms.

For the scores of shoppers who wait until the last possible minute to shop, there are ways to survive and surprise friends and family with great gifts.

At Things Engraved, you can choose gifts in our stores, and do other shopping or run errands while you wait for the engraving to be done. This is multi-tasking at its finest! How  about these great last minute gift ideas:

Things Engraved
Classic Swiss Army Knife

Things Engraved
Stainless Steel Dog Tag

Things Engraved
ceramic Mug

Here are a few more suggestions:

* Gift cards: They may not have sentimental meaning behind them, but gift cards are fast and easy. Chances are you can run into a store and be out with a handful of gift cards in less than 15 minutes, depending on lines at the checkout counter. Things Engraved offers gift cards that can be used in any of our stores across Canada. Making it the perfect choice for family from near or far.

* Food and beverages: While everyone is heading to the mall in droves, you can be stepping inside of a gourmet food or spirits store. Splurge on fine cheeses or that trendy bottle of liquor that a gift recipient has mentioned but not yet purchased for him- or herself.

* Magazine subscription: A magazine subscription is an easy fix as a last-minute gift. Purchase one copy of the magazine at the newsstand and wrap it up nicely. Put a note that a year’s worth of this periodical is on the way. No one will suspect that the gift was a last-minute thought.

* E-certificates: Retailers like music or book sellers will e-mail a gift certificate code to the person of your choice on a selected date. For those who are never without an e-reader or mp3 player, digital gifts could fit the bill.

* Gas card: It may sound funny and tacky, but a gas card from a brand-name station is a universally acceptable gift for anyone who drives regularly. With fluctuating gas prices, filling up the tank can be an expensive venture. Having a pre-paid gift card can help.

Waiting until the last minute for shopping can induce some anxiety. But knowing about easy gifts for procrastinators can take the stress out of this type of shopping.


From your Things Engraved Social Team,

Things Engraved Social

If you are one of those last minute shoppers, you can find a gift at one of our locations across Canada. A personalized gift is ALWAYS appreciated, and you will be the hit of the season (even if you DID procrastinate the most!)

