Rona Celebrates 25 Years with Things Engraved



We want to recognize Rona Frasson, who is celebrating 25 years of working at Things Engraved this month.  Rona has always worked at the head office in Kitchener Ontario.  When she started with us, the company was focused on key cutting and of course, engraving.  She told us about the days when engraving used to be done by hand!  Then the company expanded to include shoe repair and eventually knife sales too.  She says when she started she worked in reception and then moved around between the IT department, leasing department, and finally, she moved to the marketing department.  She provides direct support for all the marketing communications for Things Engraved and trust me, after being here for 25 years, she’s in the know about most things.  If anyone around head office has a procedural question, Rona is the person to ask!  She is also a key liaison person between our stores and head office providing stores with our HQ communications.  Rona also heads up our Customer Service department and provides exceptional service to any of our customers who experience challenges in any of our stores or online. [pullquote width=”300″ float=”left”]The thing I like most about working here is definitely the people;  I really like the people I work with; they’re a good bunch.[/pullquote]


Rona is always friendly and I don’t think she ever has “bad days” because she is always chipper and happy.  Even though Rona keeps busy with many things here, she is always willing to help.  If you need help stuffing envelops, proof-reading, slotting mail, or QCing product; you can rely on Rona!  Dependable, helpful, and super friendly, that’s our Rona!

Things Engraved, as a company, is lucky to have such a dedicated employee and for that we wish to thank Rona for her years of service… with many more to come!
