Engrave Your New Year’s Resolution


Resolutions can be difficult to keep up with, especially after the first month or so. A GREAT idea for you is to engrave a reminder of your goal or resolution on an item that you will see and use everyday. If you are supporting someone ELSE in their quest to make a change this year, these would make a gift that would be truly appreciated.

Here are some items ready to be engraved with your New Year’s resolution:


Small steps are better than no steps.

Look For Abundance

Carpe Diem
Carpe Diem

Sweat is SEXY
Sweat is SEXY

Believe In Miracles
Believe In Miracles

There is still time
There is still time


From your Things Engraved Social Team,

Things Engraved Social

These are just a FEW of the endless ideas to inspire you or someone you know it stay focused on their New Year’s goals.


Find many more on our website or find it in a store near you.