Mom’s Summer Bucket List



Whether you’re a Mom who stays-at-home with kids all summer or a Mom who works full time, we hope every Mom will take some time for herself this summer to cross some things off the summer bucket list.  Here are 10 suggestions:

1.  Read a book or two Mom…. one in July and one in August… is that doable?

2.  Go on a picnic – they seem like a lot of work – preparing the food in advance, packaging the food, carting the food to an outdoor location – However, think of it this way… once you’re in the park or at the beach, there is at least another 2-3 hours of activities for kids to do that doesn’t require your constant attention (sure, watch them on the monkey bars and don’t let them drown in the lake but they’ll be amused for hours) and all you had to do was pack a sandwich and some crackers – I’d say that’s a pretty good return on your efforts.

3.  Have a sleep over – with or without your children.  If you have close friends who also have kids you could have a family sleep over in the living room (or tents in the back yard?).  OR, better yet, if you can get some time away from your dear children, maybe you and your girlfriends could have a girls-only-old-fashioned sleep over.  Remember when you were a teenager and you watched girly movies (Dirty Dancing, The Notebook, The Princess Bride, Titanic to name a few), you ate junk food and stayed up really late?  You and the girls played board games and truth or dare?  Fond memories, right?  Make it happen again!

4.  Visit a new town or city.  Chances are you haven’t explored all of the nearby towns so take a day-trip to a new place within a reasonable distance from where you live.  It’s amazing what you can find when you set your mind to have an adventure!

5.  Try a new recipe. Do you use Pinterest?  It is the best source for finding inspiration on new foods to make and try.  If not, you can google pinterestsummerjust about any recipe that might interest you.  Have you always wanted to learn to make amazing fudge?  With or without nuts?  Try 3 or 4 different recipes and see if you can find the perfect one!   Taking a trip to the store or market to get the necessary ingredients, preparing the recipe, and eating it, can be a new way to spend 3-6 hours.  If you did this once a week all summer, you’ll have tried many new recipes and expanded your horizons.

6.  Make a craft.  Painting, home-made jewellery, needle-point, etc.   Your local dollar store is FULL of inexpensive stuffs from which you can make some pretty interesting things.  You can keep children and adults busy for hours on $10 or less.

7.  Help someone; volunteer.  You don’t have to spend your entire summer donating your time, efforts, and talents (although some people do, and kudos to them!), but it does feel good to help out in your community.  Maybe you can cross off “Good Samaritan” from your bucket list this summer?

8.  Visit and appreciate nature.  Some people like to hike, ride their bike, jog or walk.  If you live in a city, you might choose to leave the city to find some country-side or wooded area to explore.  However, there are walking paths and trails within many major cities.  Is there one you haven’t explored yet?  There is a great big outdoor playground waiting for you (and your children); go visit it.

9.  Have a tea party.  Again, with our without children; it can be fun either way.  You just need to make or buy some scones or tea biscuits, make some “fancy” sandwiches (which don’t have to actually be that fancy to LOOK fancy – eg. spread cream cheese on white bread, add sliced cucumbers, remove the crusts, cut into triangles – not ‘fancy’ but looks high class!).  Make a pot of tea and you’re set!  A tea party can be themed (e.g. I’ve read about some Downtown Abbey inspired teas lately) or dress up (fancy hats), for an added flair.  Really, it’s about the experience and the fun!

Tea Time ideas from Pinterest!
Tea Time ideas from Pinterest!

10. Connect with an old friend. You probably have friends you haven’t connected with in a long time, too long.  Reach out to someone who you’ve lost touch with; chances are they’ll be happy to hear from you.  Get together for coffee and discuss what’s new in each others’ lives.  See if you can rekindle a once-strong friendship.

Those are our great ideas on ways to make this summer more interesting and keep busy doing some new and old things.  Tell us, what is on your summer bucket list?


From your Things Engraved Social Team,

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