The Great Wedding Escape


Are you the kind of person who is always craving the beach, or even simply somewhere warm? Personally, I wouldn’t say “no” to a vacation right now, although I do love our good ol’ Canadian weather (most of the time). I do know some people who I think were born in the wrong place; it’s like their heart belongs at the beach with their toes in the sand.

If you’re one of these people, then a destination wedding is perfect for you: a “great escape” to tie the knot, if you will. And if you’re going to get hitched in another country and celebrate by the beach, you’re going to want something to remember it all by!

You can customize a destination-themed wedding logo just for your special day, and get it engraved on a gift for yourself and your significant other, or even for your wedding party/guests if you like. Our classy “his’ and hers'” flasks make a great choice for you and your partner.

Another idea is to put one of your favourite wedding photos, or make a few-photo collage of photos from your trip and put these in an engraveable and customizable frame, such as this one. You can use your wedding logo and any other text or images of your choice to add your own personal flair.

From Your Things Engraved Social Team
