Why Do You Love Summer?


We asked you why you love summer?  Here’s what you told us:


What do you love about summer?

Here are many more ideas you shared with us:

I love the warm weather,swimming and going to the beach.
I love summer because I can for once not wear puffy jackets, gloves, scarfs and boots when I go out.
I love the camping trips and cooking on an open fire!
i love all the flowers in my garden that bloom
I love summer…all 5 kids and I spend alot of time at the beach building sand castle and playing frisbee in the water and so on…fun in the sun 🙂
I love the nice weather, the sun , and the beach
I love that my kids are home from school and we all can be together
taking my girl on nature walks & eating all kinds fresh fruits & veggies
I love warm weather, all the summer flowers and humming birds and the bunnies that come to our yard 🙂 Love spending more time outside with family and friends and picnics!
Going to the lake!
I love the opportunity to hang out with family endlessly!  The smells are amazing too!
The warmth of the sun on my face (and no snow in Winnipeg)
The beach, pool, flowers, and the outside!
absolutely everything but if I have to pick one thing it would be swimming
The warm weather and the longgggg days!
I Love just having that extra time with my children (They sure do Grow to Quick) and getting our natural Vitamin D from the Sun =) No better way =) Can’t wait! Thanks so much for the chance =)
I love getting time off work and traveling to visit family!
No windchill!
watching my grand babies play in their pool and in the sand when we take them to the beach
Going to the beach as often as possible!
Warmer weather to enjoy the outdoors!
With the weather like it is in Illinois, I just love being able to be outside!  I love the sunshine.  I love being able to work in my garden and grow flowers.  Most of all I just love to sit on my porch relax and enjoy it all!
BBQ’S and Swimming!
I love the warm weather, Swimming outdoors, the lovely landscape.
No scheduling of kids activities-free to do what we want!
I love camping,bbq/s,road trips,swimming,the hot weather,I love it all!
The weather and therefore the BBQs and patio parties
In Michigan we have all four seasons weather-wise so the short time we do have summer weather it’s beautiful and I like to live it up with my beach babes that include my Husband, two year old son, and dog. We all love the water and being together!
i love the sun and going to the beach
I love getting a pedicure and flaunting it in sandals 🙂
This is when our family can all get together for cookouts and fun goofy games I make up.  Time filled with laughter
Sunshine, Gardening, being Outside and BBQing 🙂
Love the time I get to spend with my kids!
Going to the beach
I love going to the beach.  My kids have an awesome time, playing in the sand and water and they are kept entertained while I can sit, relax and watch them, surrounded by beautiful scenery.  Win win.
I love campfires and the beach and drinks in the backyard with the bbq going. I love watching my kids run in the sprinkler and set up lemonade stands!! I love roadtrips and getting to see all my family and friends from BC. I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT SUMMER (except wasps!)
Beach time !!
I love my yard and my garden and my flip flops and that painting my toenails means something outside of yoga class!! Oh…Yoga in the park! Awesome!
I love the warm weather and the patios
I love the warm weather. I love that the kids are out of school and we can do fun things everyday. I love going fishing at the lake and going to the pool.
Sitting on the deck with the neighborhood and sipping wine!
hot weather and beach time
Spending time with my daughter, and she LOVES flip flops
I love all the colors! Having white all winter long~ summer brings flowers, green grass, birds, blue lakes & painted toe nails for wearing flip flops!
You can stay outside longer!!!!!!!!!!!
There is no ice……except in my glass!
I love the BBQs with friends and family!
I love summer because my second child was born, I met the love of my life and my best friend who I will be marrying this August. Summer is a time we all get to make many memories with family and friends.
I love summer because it means no school  so I get to spend everyday with my son enjoying all the wonderful sunshine , barbeques, bike riding and late night movie time.
The heat and long days.
wearing sandals – going to the beach.
time for a trip
I would love the chance to win so I could use at the beach!
Love going to the beach with the kids , also love hiking and camping
The beauty in the trees being full and green and the vibrant flowers
the beach
Because I get to go camping and to the beach!
Warm weather, beaches and boating
The heat is so much better for my muscle pain. 🙂
We do so much more outside.
I love going to the beach and enjoying the fresh air!
the pool is open then and lots of swimming and picnics with friends and family Thats the life to celebrate warm weather with family and friends
the beautiful  roses and fresh veggie
I love being able to sit in my own backyard and admire my flowers & garden!
Summer is the best! Just came in from swimming in our pool!!
swimming.. flowers…sunshine and bring my daughter to playground or picnic in the park . she also loves blowing bubbles
I love the energizing effect of the sun and my flip flops!
Going to the beach.
I love summer as I get more time to play with ny kids, warm weather, long night’s.
I love the warm weather and being outdoors.
Long, lazy days on the porch drinking lemonade.
I love being able to grow veggies and flowers, it almost makes you forget that winter is about 6 months away.
Relaxing, sleeping in, and taking it easy
Beach sun and swimming
Spending time with my kids since school is out 🙂
bare feet and iced coffee!
the days are longer, and there is always something to do
I love taking my dog to beach!
I Love Playing Guitar around a Fire
Summer dresses and sandals!
I love the fact that the kids are out of school so we can do lots of family outtings and trips
I like the swimming.
Being able to spend more time with my kids!
Cooking on the grill, flip flops, bike rides, swimming and hunting for fire flys.
Summer is my favorite season. The sun gives me energy and I love being comfortable in my flip flops.
Sitting under the shades with a iced coffee in my hand!
I love taking the kids to the park and the kiddie pool and the beach
Wearing shorts
Love wearing flip flips (yeah no socks) and the sunshine and warmth and visiting the beaches! Windows open, bbq’s and road trips 🙂
I love summer because you can get outdoors and feel the peace of a bird singing
I love the sun and spending time outside on my deck and puttering in the garden.  I love finally being warm enough.
Long hot sunny days. Bikinis on the beach. Bbqs. Camping. Canoeing. Fishing. Swimming. Cuddling with my honey near a camp fire 😀
Summer vacations at the family cottage 🙂
I love the sun, and the beach and the weather and the family time!
the beach
I love the open air markets and festivals that run all summer long
the heat 🙂
bbqs,holidays and longer warmer days and being able to wear my sandals every day
warm weather
What I love about summer is that it’s so sunny and so beautiful out I can have barbeques. I can take my neices to the park and enjoy the sun. I also can sunbathe and hangout with friends I have not seen in ages.
because I live at a lake and enjoy every minute of it
The heat & all the family time outside!
I love wearing less!
I love being able to go barefoot!
BBQ Fest with family.
I love summer because i can wear barefeet in the sand, summer clothes. suntans and barbecues and bonfires .
I love seeing the sunrise early and set late. Feels like so much more to the day.
I love swimming
Patios, BBQS & Bonfires!
I love being able to just go outside and sit and watch the kids play in the sunshine
I love summer because I can spend time at my cabin
The warmth of the sunshine and the refreshing summer breeze.
The random road trips
Beautiful weather, flip flops, tank tops, shorts and a cool drink!
Flip Flops and The Beach!
I love summer because that’s the time you get too spend time with family & friends and create memories!
Summer is a very good time of the year….it makes you want to go outside and do things…it can make you mellow out in these stressful times
Fun in the sun (especially with the kids!), warm nights, bonfires, adventures in the forest, iced coffee, swimming, barbecues with friends and family, shorts, flip flops, beers on the patio.. Summer is amazing 😀
Summer is the best cookouts,swimming,flip flops and tank tops what more could you want?
I love the hot weather!!!    No winter coats and hats and chilled to the bone feelings.  Bring on summer and the flip flops!!!!!!!!   Woo Hoooo !!!!!
Being outside biking & gardening
I love being outside and being warm!  Swimming and gardening.  The beach
Love to hang out with the family at the pool
I love being able to get together for cookouts and bonfires. And summer time seems to be the only time we do that.
Everything but the bugs
the sun
Pool time
Spending the days with my children doing everything and anything. Relaxing with them in the evenings.
What I love about Summer is being on boat and traveling to different marina. I also enjoying the sun and sunsets.
I love the warmth and the fact that I don’t have to put on so many layers of clothes to go out.  I could live in flip flops year round if the weather permitted.
I love summer because of the smell.The fresh cut lawns, the chlorine in the swimming pool and the late night campfires.
laying in the sun
Longer days & family time in the backuard
The warmth of the sun, the summer bbqs & parties, the fun times on the patios and most of all I love my flip flops!!
I love being warm and all the sunshine! All the time with my children is sooo wonderful too <3
oh my gosh everything! the weather, the beach, grilling!!! shorts, sandals… summer foods!!
The smell of my roses!
The warm weather!
I love summer!  It’s a chance to spend more time with my family and kids.  Beaches, BBQ, and togetherness.  For my family it’s outdoor time and all the things we can do together.  We enjoy parks and biking and swimming and hiking and travelling.
that my skin changes colour
Soaking up the sun by the pool in our backyard with a good book!!
I love everything about summer. I love to go swimming & camping. I am always wearing flip flops no matter what the weather is & go to all the fun events.
watching my son play soccer
warm weather
I love the heat, the sun, the smiles on peoples faces and the chance to eat outside with out getting frost bite  🙂
Love the warm summers eve. Shorts tank tops and flip flops. Camping around a fire. Can’t wait for summer to begin
I love the summer because it is the time that I get to spend outdoors at the beach with family. My kids love to go to the beach to play in the water and dig around to find things they can bring back home as souvenirs.
salad greens fresh from the garden, the sun shine, no heavy clothes to wear, going barefoot , enjoying family company on the patio
I love the lack of snow!
The opportunity to swim, hike, camp, fish, boat, 4-wheeling, gardening, visiting friends and family… bonfires… fireworks… and beauty!!!
I love everything but mostly the hot sand beneath my feet when I get to the beach:)
The warmth — of the sun and people!
swimming, vacations, cookouts, toes in sand, long days
I love the hot days, the cool nights, the gardening, the backyard pool parties, the BBq dinners , and the birds chirping,,,
spending time boating
Being in the sunshine and long summer nights with cookouts! Also my garden
Love the outdoors, camping, and beach..
I love wearing light clothing and basking in the sun. I love green leaves, flowers, hummingbirds an gardening.But mist of all I love the light.
No school, no shoes(flipflops of course) and the beach(with a lovely pedicure).  what’s not to love!
hitting the beach
I love playing with my SON in SUN and SAND.
I love the warm summer nights, and it staying lighter outside later!
I love sitting on my porch with a nice cup of coffee and a good book to read.
I love going to my kids’ baseball and softball games!
Everyone is usually happy as it’s nice and warm! The colors in the flowers are beautiful and being able to participate in water activities is the best!
I love being able to sleep in and spend time with my son who is 10.  Years go to fast and before I know it, he will be married and moved out, therefore, I really enjoy the summer with  my son.
Warm weather and days at the beach with my family
no socks, no shoes, barefoot in sandals!
I love the beautiful weather and going camping.
sittin on the deck with a cold drink
The weather love the warm weather
hot weather
green grass
I love the heat, vacations and the beaches.
going to the beach
I love the warm weather and the trips to the beach
the smell of the bbqs and going swimming
Sun, beaches and tanning
I love that I camp all summer and get to get my tan on
I love summer because my son is out of school and we can do lots of outdoor activities during the summer and have lots of fun and make memories!
Swimming in the river with my dogs!
Sunshine and pool days!
The beach
I love feeling the warmth of the sunny rays on my face and feeling the wind in my hair with the windows of the car rolled down. Summer is a fun time to get out and enjoy life.
The sun shine on my face!  Love the warmth!
The bare feet, the sand, the water, the kids home from school
Spending time outside with my daughter
not having to wear winter clothes!
I love going to the beach with my family and playing in the sand and water.
time to relax and get some sun!
I love summer because it cures all that ails me
pool and grilling out with the family
it’s a time for cookouts beach parties camping and fishing
The longer hours.
long summer evenings spent outside
Summer is a time to play and run, no school, just a lot of wholesome fun!
I love the warm weather, being outdoor, and all the fun activities I can do in the summer.  I love wearing light summer clothing, the beautiful sunshine and long walks in the summer
The chance to expose  what is wonderful and special about each of us to the world
Playing fastball!
I don’t have to make school lunches!
the weather and it is a time for family fun
The Sunshine!
Flip-Floppies!!!! of course 🙂
Kids have time off school, I can take summer holidays and spend time with my family!
I love summer because I can enjoy the warm weather, sun and the beach. Also, I have a summer birthday!!
Fun in the Sun!!
Just being able to get outside and enjoy the sun with family and friends
The thing I love most about the Summer is spending quality time with my family <3
I love spending long days on the beach with friends
No more socks and shoes
I love the freedom to go anywhere because my boys are out of school and my family always comes home in the summer.
the hot weather and ample activities that can’t b done in winter
The beautiful weather,  beaches, wildlife and flowers.
I love sitting outside on a sunny day and playing with the dog.
endless days and nights with my family!
Sun, and bbq .
I love Summer because people are out in their yard.
I love summer because after a cold winter I crave the heat and the sun. Time to be outside, doing yard work and hanging out with friends and family
not being cold and miserable, would love to live in warm climate year round!!
thw sunshine and warmth
I love picking wild blueberries with my Dad. That really means summer has arrived.
The Beach, Watermelons and Sunshine.
I love everything about summer, swimming, sun terraces, this is my ideal season
I love the sun, sand, beach, & pool in the summer.
I love how everyone comes together outdoors in a carefree environment.  The connections made outdoors during the summer are priceless.  Everyone is outside in their yards, on the beach, hiking on trails – you name it.  The connectivity is electric!
too hot
Spending time outside with my little guy!
the sunshine and daylight and strolls on the beach
I love the flowers and the greenery and the warmth.
The thing I love most about summer is seeing people all around , just enjoying Life, enjoying fun summer activities all around the town, going to different local events , going swimming ,bbq, family coming together to celebrate different events.
I love EVERYTHIMG about it. Freshly mowed lawns, brilliant flowers, singing birds, swimming pools, bbq’s…EVERYTHING!
I love the summer sunshine, boat rides, beach walks, and BBQ steaks!!!!
No snow
I love the long days, the smell of suntan lotion and swimming!
I love going to the beach
I love the fact that there isn’t snow on the ground and I don’t need to wear a coat.
I love that I don’t have to wear so much clothing and boots
Being outside after the dreadful winter!!!
The Sun and Warmth and the Green
Drinks at the pool!
I love the fact I can be outside, play soccer!
the sun and beach!!!
beaches and sun
Hot Men
Schooooooool’s out for summer
Vacation Time
Garden veggies!
flip flops!!
I love the heat & enjoy the exercise I get by swimming in my pool.
The beach!
I love summer for pedicures, strappy sandals, riding bike and going swimming at the beach.
Time for bbq and family time
going to beach
it is warm
spending time with my family at the beach
swimming, bbq’s and boating.
swimming, bbq’s and boating.
swimming, bbq’s and boating.
I get to show off my funky painted toes:)
The smell of fresh cut grass
the sunshine and water for fishing
I love that there is no school
I love being tanned and swimming!
I love the sunshine & vacation time!
I love the longer days and more time with family and friends outdoors
the sunshine.
I love being able to put on my flip flops and shorts and enjoy the sun!
Grilling out with family and enjoying the sunshine.
I love going to the beach in the evening time and walking also watching the sunset over the water.Its so tranquil.
Sitting outside on my patio drinking a beer with friends.
I love the heat of the sun.
I love the way people are so happy! They are always asking me what I like about summer! I love happy! And the beach!
I love the amazing weather, beaches, summer drinks and just the relaxing atmosphere of the summer months!
Vacation and family time with my fiance and two beautiful daughters
that is  sunny  and  its  easy to  get  kids ready  to go  out
I love bbq’s, beach fires and road trips!
no coats or jackets needed
I love warm summer days with sunshine and flowers!
I like the flowers and green leaves on the trees.
Love the sun and going to the beach
Blue Skies
I love that I get to go to our lake lot and sit in the sun. I also love fireworks and sitting around a fire roasting marshmallows.
The Beach, flowers,the beach,opening the windows, the beach, cookouts, the beach 😉
I love being outside, hanging out in the yard and gardening!
Feeling the sunshine on my face, and moving my workouts outdoors.
I love Summer Girls, I love Summer Flowers I love Summer Sun and Long daylight hours!
Everyone is in a better mood in summer. Sun shine, thunder storms, flowers and the smell of fresh cut grass. Dresses and flip flops. What’s not to love?!
I love summer because I get to feel the warmth of the sun.
What I love about summer is that you do not have to put on boots and heavy clothing.
What I love about summer family bbq , beach ,camping ,hikes,letterboxing family time with my kids
go swimming ,and hiking,camping
The outdoor festivals.
I love reading a good book in my back yard soaking up the sun
no bulky clothes
The sun, patios, and beach time!
relaxation at the beach
The farmers markets!
I love to work in my garden, and the fact I don’t have to shovel snowl
I love that I’m a teacher and I am on summer vacation! Sleeping in, relaxing, and taking my dog for a walk are my favorite things to do! At night, I love that the sun sets late so I can get the fire pit going!
I really enjoy being able to be alone to enjoy our pool, reading with no interruptions and enjoying quiet.
I love the feel of sand in my toes and sun on my back!
flip flops, shorts, tank tops, sunshine, no school
I love summer because is a time to enjoy a great vacation with family, the beach, the best of all my son is out of school and we can be together and enjoy precious  time and is his birthday the 4 of July my summer is fireworks the best love all be with family & friends. Beach, sun, BBQ all is amazing.
For two years I have been disabled. This year my health is much better and I am getting out a little more and enjoying the summer. I love summer. I love camping and sunshine.
Long summer nights In the garden with a cold glass of something watching the kids play and my fella work his magic on the BBQ
I love the beach, the country and the outdoors, I love the fairs, festivals and events. I love the sun on my skin and light weight clothing but most of all I love flip flops.
Going to the beach
People are happier and more outgoing in the warmth of summer when they have sunshine and fresh fruit!
the sun
Being able to go to the beach and enjoy the sunsets after I get off work with my family.
I’m a teacher so what’s not to love about not working for 3 months? The beach, the pool…love hot summer days!
Going to the lake and picnicking
The sunshine and sea salt air!
I love the warm weather and the longer days!
I love the sun the heat the long days and nice warm nights
The fresh strawberries!
Heat and no fricken snow
the waem weayher
I love swimming in the pool with my kids.
I love going to the beach!
feeling the warm breeze and sun on my face footies…. and wearing sandles all day and all night….seeing the tan lines of my sandles when i take them off
I love summer because I love sitting outside and drinking beer on a hot day.
I love the heat and lack of snow!
I love the warm weather and I love to be able to go to the beach or sit poolside .
I love being able to wear my flip flops all the time!
I Love wearing,Flipper Flops.
I love taking my family to the beach
the water
I love how people are relaxed and in good moods…..sunshine and warmth makes people happy!
I love summer because I have more time to spend with my family and wonderful friends…. We all enjoy our beach time and camping in a place called turkey point … Tents , towels ,sand and lots of smiles….
The long days
I love the warm weather
* sun kissed skin * lazy beach days * sand between my toes * summer dresses * margaritas on the patio * BBQ
The kids are out of school.
Love the nice hot weather!!
i love not having to wear a coat.  Being warm and enjoying the weather.
I love camping,going to the beach,family fun in the pool.bbqing on the grill,margaritas and smores by the campfire,dragonflies,lightning bugs,and most of all flip flops!
I love the warm weather, the smell of cut grass, being able to go swimming, and spending time with my three kids.
I love the
I love summer because I like camping and fishing, and hunting.
Hot Weather
no snow to shovel!
I love the warm weather and cooking outside.
the beach!!
I love being able to get outside in the summer and enjoy the heat and spend time with my family!
the sun
I love going barefoot!
I love BBQ’s and spending time with family and friends.
All of the outdoor activities. Camping, swimming, hiking! 🙂
I love the warm weather and being able to do things outside.
Spending time with family and friends!
Quality family time!
I love the chance to be outdoors more enjoying the nice areas around my city, as well as going to the beach and the pool.
I love being about to go to the beach and stick my toes in the sand and just feel the breeze in my hair ..I love it …every summer
The beach! Flips flops, wavy salty hair, the smell of coconut oil, and a nice cool beverage!
I love that my kids are out of school and we get to spend time together.
summer foods and drinks, beach, bonfires,fun in the sun with family and friends and summer fashion shopping!
the chance to spend extra time with friends and family and enjoy theh great outdoors!
I love being able just to enjoy the outdoors and i love that the winter clothes are off and i feel free
I love our annual road trip to Moncton, New Brunswick for fun in the sun at Magic Mountain Waterpark
the warm weather
Sitting outside by the pool in the warm sunshine
Love the summer BBQ’s, times at the pool and beach.  Especially love the summer time rains when it cools everything down.
Laying on the hot beach all day
I love Summer since I can spend time at the beach
I love hearing the birds sing, the sun’s warmth on my skin, summer smells of lilac, roses  and running through the lawn sprinkler
Going to the Beach for July 4th!
Everything especially the weather!
the warm weather
it is too hot
Spending more time with my kids.
I love summer because I can enjoy the beach, wineries, bbq and the sun.
going to the pool every day!
I see more people in the summer!  Freedom to move about without all those clothes!
Sunshine and warm weather
NO SNOW therefore no heavy coats or boots!!
I love to be outside in the sunshine enjoying family and friends, playing games, cooking out and having fires at night! I also love that it stays light so much longer!
I love driving around in the evening, with the windows down listening to music.  It’s such a great free feeling and you can only really do that in the summer 🙂
Birds, flowers and sunshine
I love the sunshine at the beach.
The beautiful flowers that bloom, the warm summer weather, and plenty of sunshine.
I love summer because I love living  down In sunny Miami,Florida. I transform from a loving teacher into a beach bum building sand castle along the coast. I visit various beaches I start from the bottom of 14th street off of Collins and work my way up to Fort Lauderdale Beaches until school returns in August. That’s why I love summer.
sun and sand
the weather
spending time at the beach with my friends and family!!
The nice weather
No school!
because i can wear flip flops
The beach!
I love going to the beach and feeling sand between my toes!
No snow
Cool nights,Hot Days,Sangreia!
I love boating with my family at their summer lake house.
Fishing and camping! Oh and bonfires! 🙂
Playing with my dog all day 🙂
Warm weather
I love the fun in the sun.
love the sunshine & warmth, people smile more and are happier
love going to the cottage, sitting on the deck and enjoying the sun!
i get to spend more time with my kids!
Long summer nights, holidays with my family
The beach
chance to get in water
Summer is such a needed space……a time to renew, restore and relax.
I love feeling the warm sand between my toes and cool breeze of the ocean
Taking the Sea-Doo out the lake!!
The warmth and gathering of friends and family.
Not having to wear 20 layers of clothing like our crazy winters!!
Enjoying the outdoors and nature.
I love the fresh air and the sunny days.
I love fresh produce, road trips, and sleeping in.
beachin it and cold beer
The warm weather!
Laying by the pool doing absolutely nothing!
bare feet and flip flops!
I love everything about summer, but especially the warm weather so we can have fun outside!
Warm sunny days spent poolside or at beaches!
flowers sun beach
pool the beach and clothes
i love that i can wear sandals wherever and am able to color my toes to what color and mood im feeling i also love the beach
Parks; vacations
the beaches
Summer is a time for bbq’s, friends, reunions, and my favorite, fun! So many things you cant do in the winter. Sunshine actually motivates me to get out and do so much more
I love summer because it gets us out and about and we do way more together with bbq fishing swimming hiking camping and just hanging on the front porch…best time of year.
I like the warm weather.
front porch swing
I love the hot weather and getting my tan on and them jumping in to the cool water and experiencing summer to the fullest!
Going to the beach and the pool with my friends.
I love the warm weather and spending quality time with my family while enojing outdoor BBQ’s
the warm sun, the sand between my bare toes, the feel of the cool ocean water on my skin, the peacefulness, the soft breeze from the trees caressing my face, the contemplative relaxation of mother nature, enjoying her beauty in the blue sky, the blooming pretty colored flowers & the fun that comes with a wonderful summer day!
relaxing by the pool
i love  BBQ  for my family and spending time with my 8 grands and 4 grown kids
i love taking my necies and nephew to 6 flags and showing them atl!
Green grass and beautiful flowers, but mostly I can wear sandals and flip flops instead of shoes.
i love taking my little girl and my family out swimming so FUN!
as a single mother of my own brady bunch i love sending my kids to their aunties and relaxing
what is their not to love, love swimming, cooking out, going on bike rides with the grandkids, goig on summer vacations, day trips to the water parks
I love sleeping in late, hanging by the pool with a cold drink and soaking up the sun!
Spending more outdoor time with my family and friends.
Sun. Surf. Sand. And my flip flops.
Iced cold sweet tea
BBQs SWimming Pools and FlipFlops!
i love going out to local farms for fresh produce and picking sweet, delicious berries.
Watermelon, smores, verdant green everywhere!
Spending time outside with my children!
No school!
Swimming at waterparks
I love the sunshine!
A beach and friends
I love the sun! I love being able to go to the beach and and go swimming with my family. I love being able to wear summer dresses with flip flops and soak up the sun and enjoy the fresh warm air 🙂
I absolutely love organizing and having all of my friends over for a big summer bash! With a pool, fire pit, good food and music!
I love summer because I get to spend time with my boys!!
Summer time at the pool!!
Enjoying the outdoors!
I love everything about summer!  The warmer sunshine, the sand, the cool breezes, the sound of the waves hitting the shore, picnics, bonfires, baseball games,  fireworks, and outdoor concerts.
the weather
I love the warm weather and tips to the beach.
I love summer cause it’s a great fun in the sun hanging with Friends and Family hwvinh them over for cookouts and playing in the pool. The summer time rain falling on the garden and hearing the rain falling on my ten roof…
I love longer days, warm weather and flowers
warm weather….no snow or wind-chill factors!!
Putting my feet in a pair of flu flops
Warm nights by a bonfire.
I love spending time with my kids. 🙂
My favorite thing about summer is getting the chance to spend tons of time with my amazing children!
the great beach time
wearing flip flops!
Weekly family bbqs
Going to the Beach and Watching My Kids Play In The Sand and Water Like I Used To Do When I Was A Kid!!!!
travelling the beach and grilling
The weather!
I love being able to spend the days with my family, & not having to wear shoes. lol I love just sliding on my flip flops and running out the door.
Because its warm
What I love about summer is the sunshine. It is an excuse to spend as much time outside as possible.
I love getting to be out doors with the family. Playing at the park, at the beach taking in the beautiful scenery. All of the butterfly’s and animals outside playing. It’s just heart warming and relaxing! One of my favorite season! Oh wait! Can’t forget the bar b q’s! 😉
I love the warm sunny weather! Kids out of school so I dont have to wake up at 6am!
I love my flip flops and t-shirts and drinking from the water hose.
Long warm nights to have lots of fun.
I love the hot weather and the feeling of sunshine on me…. its awesome….