Popular resolutions


popular resolutions

Every year, right before the clock strikes 12 on December 31, people far and wide make resolutions for the new year. There are some common themes from year to year, with certain resolutions topping the lists.

* Lose weight: Whether they’re inspired by goals of healthy living, the reality of stepping on a scale after holiday dining or simply because clothes have been a little snug, people often resolve to lose weight in the year ahead.

* Quit smoking: Individuals are feeling increased pressure to give up the habit due to smoking bans in many buildings and public spaces. Plus, it’s one of the worst things a person can do for his or her health.

* Get fit: In conjunction with losing weight, the overall quest for physical fitness drives up gym membership numbers every January.

* Tame finances: The first credit card bill after the holiday season may be a wakeup call for those who have had difficulty balancing a budget. This is often a time when people make plans to get finances under control at the start of the new year.

* Enjoy life more: Many people are taking personal happiness into their own hands. Perhaps thanks to a troublesome economy and other sources of sour news, it has become common in recent years for resolutions to be made concerning reducing stress and having more fun. This may involve everything from spending more time with family to taking time for leisure activities to simply enjoying more of the hobbies one finds fun.

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