Carry-in Engraving Services


One of the most commonly asked questions we get asked is whether or not we can engrave items that were not purchased at our store.

The answer is YES!

We do have a few limitations though…for example, NO we cannot engrave a reminder to your teenagers to put away the dirty dishes into your counter or their bathroom mirrors (unless you can bring it to us!) NO we cannot engrave a reminder for the guys to bring home flowers for no reason now and again, into the steering wheel of the car.

We also can’t engrave irreplaceable items like family heirlooms or antiques.

We CAN however, engrave rings, watches, tech devices, glass, wood, plastic and metals. It doesn’t matter where you bought them…we can help you get the perfect personalization onto your item. As long as we can find a way for our engraving machine to secure your item, we will find a way to engrave it!

Just like we did on this very large and beautiful fire extinguisher!

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This challenge was presented to one of our engravers recently and it turned out beautifully! This fire extinguisher is like the Stanley Cup for a fire fighters hockey league. Who wouldn’t want to be the winning team for this unique trophy?

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And congrats to the Oilers for winning two years in a row!! (we won’t say how shocked we were to see that the Leafs won this in 2012).

Click here for Prices and Details about carry-in engraving.


From your Things Engraved Social Team,



Come into a store near you to ask about your carry-in engraving needs. Our experts will be happy to give you suggestions to put the finishing touches onto your item.

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