Memories on Display – Engraved Christmas Tree Ornaments


So here’s the thing.  I LOVE Christmas.  Not only do I love it, but since the dawn of time…well, my time anyways, the very mention of Christmas has conjured up nostalgia so intense that I’m overwhelmed by the memories of times long ago.  I think of traditions.  I think of family gatherings, seeing faces light up as gifts were opened and before all of that, decorating the tree with my parents while the Carpenters crooned their Christmas Portrait in the background.  Ahhhh the tree.  The tree, in all of its glory, covered in twinkling lights and tinsel and bobbles and decorations of all sorts, the star the crowned jewel peering down from the top.

Christmas is a special holiday because every year something is meaningful and valuable to me in a new way. Every year Christmas is a renewed page in life, a renewed joy, a renewed sense of incredible family closeness and warmth. It seems to be the same story and the same events, but year after year it all sounds somehow very fresh, new and special. Christmas is a special family holiday where you can get together with your own family and close friends and acquaintances in a cozy, colorful house with an incredible amount of decorations, Christmas flowers, and bright lights hung around the house. It is that wonderful time when you want to flutter like a bird and embrace the whole world, not letting go of its embrace for the whole year.

Christmas is a time of kindness, warmth, and family comfort, which is why this holiday is so precious to everyone, but especially to me.

I don’t know what Christmas memories are close to your heart, but personally I relish the moments of unwrapping carefully packed ornaments, each specific to a time and place with memories all their own.  I have dozens upon dozens, an ornament and a memory to go with it.  Some make me laugh, some make me thoughtful, some bring a tear to my eye, but they all make me smile.  There’s the Merry Mice that from years of wear are no longer fuzzy, the one half of a pair of turtle doves whose counterpart hangs on the tree belonging to best friends in England, the Santa hat-wearing basketball from when my dad and I road-tripped to Indiana and, most recently the two new ornaments that will adorn my tree this year, the Big Sister and Little Sister ornaments I’ve personalized for my daughters.

The Christmas tree, to me, is a collection of memories hung on display for a brief period of time.  In their shiny surfaces we remember Christmases gone by, we relive the magic and wonder of our childhood Christmases and we build memories for future generations.  What a special gift it will be this year to share this experience with my little ones.  I’m hoping that they will eventually grow to love this tradition as much as I do.

Opening engraved ornaments year after year takes your tree decorating party to the next level of sentimentality and nostaglia.

To purchase, visit our website to view our full collection.