Piggy Banks

"pygg bank": sourced from all over the web

The Piggy Name

Did you know that the piggy bank got it’s name (so the internet tells us so) during the Middle Ages? It is believed that back in the day, dishes and pots were made of an economical clay called pygg. Whenever folks had extra coin, they dropped it into one of their jars made of pygg. Folks called this their “pygg bank” which evolved into the term “piggy bank.” Interesting right?


Put money in the bankGiving a Piggy


If you’re superstitious, and you’re going to give a piggy bank as a gift, (or a wallet or purse for that matter), you should always put money in it when you give it (even just one penny) as it will bring good luck to the recipient.



Image sourced from Matt at "feis dad" blog which you can google

World’s Largest Piggy Bank?

This is the biggest piggy bank I could find in my web travels.  Looks like this cutey makes his way from state fair to state fair.  He is certainly parade-worthy!  I wonder how much coinage this piggy could hold?

kids piggy bank
Image sourced from momlogic.com








 Start Kids Early

The Globe and Mail suggests to “start your kids off with a piggy bank” to teach them the value of money.  Use the piggy bank as a “teachable moment” to teach your kids on an on-going basis about saving and spending money.



It doesn’t always have to be a PIGGY bank….

Now that we’ve got you thinking about piggy banks, we have some awesome money bank designs.  AND an exciting contest where you could WIN a piggy bank for a child in your life.  Prices start at $25 and all of our banks are engravable.  Have us write that special child’s name right onto his or her new ‘piggy’ bank.  Here are our some of our exciting designs:

money banks

Enter our “Win a Bank” contest on our Facebook page:  www.facebook.com/ThingsEngraved

Facebook Contest - Click to Enter
Facebook Contest - Click to Enter Contest

Good luck & happy saving!