23 things you will do at least once this year without having to make a list
Although years seemingly go by at blurring speed where only certain events are memorable, there are a handful of activities nearly everyone does over the course of a typical year. Here are some things that you can count on doing at least once this year.
1. Sing/Hear/Hum “Auld, Lang Syne”
2. Cheer for your favorite Super Bowl team
4. Drink green beer
5. File income tax paperwork
6. Celebrate a birthday
7. Get a dental cleaning
8. Get a physical
9. Swim in a pool or body of water
10. See a fireworks display
11. Attend a sporting event
12. Plant flowers
13. Mow the lawn
14. Go out for ice cream
15. Rake leaves
16. Eat turkey
17. Purchase gifts
18. Take a vacation
19. Give a car an oil change
20. Be shocked by a TV series season cliffhanger
21. Get a cold
22. Decorate the home
23. Make a resolution
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