What story will you tell? #TravelTuesday


Where would you travel if you had the chance?  Anywhere at all?  Grab a globe, close your eyes, point and go? Or do you have a dream of someplace specific?  Do you want to see the Great Wall?  Or the Swiss Alps?  Visit the beach in Ortona, Italy to pay silent tribute to a loved one?  Maybe you just want to hop in the car and drive a few hours to a secluded lake.

Ever since reading “Eat Pray Love” I’ve been dying to spend months in Italy eating way too much pizza and pasta, (and of course learning Italian and dolce far niente – the sweetness of doing nothing!) followed by finding my inner peace and purpose meditating in an ashram in India.

“Travel.  It leaves you speechless and turns you into a storyteller.”

While these two phrases seem contradictory, they could not hold more truth.  I’ve had my breath taken away by the beauty of the mountains and the vastness of the ocean.  I’ve seen the world from the sky, coasting over a patchwork of fields and bodies of water.  Felt the thrill of feeling the touchdown on a foreign soil, knowing adventure waits beyond the gate (I love arrivals gates, don’t you?).  I have experienced moments where words fail to express the magnitude of what I’ve seen, yet I have come home bursting at the seams with stories of the places I’ve been, the memories I’ve made and the people I’ve met along the way.  Memories engraved onto the very core of my being.

Travel means new acquaintances and new opportunities

When traveling, the people you meet play an important role. You can share stories, give advice, and even explore new cities together. It’s not uncommon for such introductions to grow into lifelong friendships. Or maybe you’ll meet the love of your life. No matter what the situation, you can always keep in touch with your new acquaintances-the opportunities are endless these days. And if you want to please them with an unexpected gift, you can always send flowers online. Such a small gift can raise everyone’s spirits.

How amazing it would be to travel the world.  Some of us will have the chance to climb mountains, sail the ocean, experience cultures unlike our own (yet somehow, touchingly similar) and some of us will only see the world through photographs, living vicariously through those who have gone before us and hearing accounts of what lies beyond our own backyard.  May wherever life takes you leave you speechless with a story to tell and memories to be engraved.

Travel Gifts

Globe gifts are popular choices to help remember your travels.  But any gift can be a momento of your travel adventures if the simple memories are not enough.  Frames to hold the awesome photos, pendants, and dog tags engraved with your travel co-ordinates are all great options to keep the memories of your travels alive.

This frame is PERFECT for a girls weekend trip for example.

OR are you looking for something that is EXTRA special and out of this world? This levitating globe is not like any other gift you have ever given!

Learn more about our LEVITATING GLOBE here; so very cool!