10 ways to create new holiday traditions

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10 ways to create new holiday traditions

Much of what makes the holiday season so special is the traditions that people hold dear. While families have traditions that stretch back decades, there is plenty of opportunity to embrace new means of celebration to breathe new life into Christmas, Chanukkah or the season’s other holidays.

Chances are you’re already hanging stockings or going caroling this year. You can add some of these and modify as they fit for your family.

image source: www.novanewsnow.com

1. Feed the wildlife. During the cold days of winter, birds and small animals that don’t hibernate may find it difficult to forage for food. By trimming an outdoor pine tree in edible snacks you’ll have a beautiful tree and one that benefits the wildlife as well. String peanuts and other nuts for the squirrels. Make little ornaments out of suet and string for the birds. Berries and corn can be enjoyed by all. Be sure to choose a tree that is far enough away from the home, so you don’t have too many scavengers hunting and pecking around the house.  Blue jays love peanuts!

2. Create a photo Advent calendar. Make your own Advent calendar that has small doors that open up to photos of different family members. Or use a collection of children’s pictures that showcase how they’ve changed as they’ve grown older.

cookies3. “Adopt” a child for holiday gifts. Each year you can bring a smile to a child in need by purchasing a present for an underprivileged kid. Some post offices sponsor “Letters from Santa” events where participants can respond to one of the thousands of letters mailed to The North Pole. Or work with a local charity that organizes events to bring gifts to children in hospitals or in foster care. Our local fire station collects unwrapped gifts for families in-need.  Donating is a great way to remember what the season is all about – giving.

4. Holiday story countdown. Every night in December watch a movie or read a story that tells an uplifting holiday tale. Use this as a method of counting down until Christmas. On the night prior, reading “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” should suffice.

5. Remember someone who has passed on.The holiday season is one made beautiful by lit candles and twinkling lights. Remember a loved one or a friend who has passed away by lighting a remembrance candle in his or her honor. It’s a way this person can still be part of the festivities.

6. Have a holiday sing-a-long. Sure it may be tradition to go around the neighborhood singing carols (do people still do this?), but it’s just as fun indoors. Have a singing party where guests are given lyrics to popular tunes they can sing around the piano or karaoke machine.

7. Bring some joy to a public servant. Police officers, firefighters, military personnel … many of these workers do not get off for the holidays. There are a certain number of public servants who must remain on call in the event of an emergency. Treat these people to something enjoyable when they may be missing their own festivities. Cook or cater a meal for a fire house, deliver cookies to the police station or put together care packages for people living on a military base.

8. Family Baking Day – Make Christmas cookies and/or candies.  Baking is a great way to bring a family together.  Researching which receipts you want to try, going to the store to buy the ingredients, making the cookies, packing the cookies – these are all good family activities.

image source: kwernerdesign.com

9. Make homemade Christmas cards early.  Just like baking, designing and making Christmas cards is a great way to bond with family members.  This is one idea you’ll want to start early because it can be time consuming, requires a lot of planning, and there’s no reason why you can’t start creating your cards in the fall so they’re ready to send in late November.  Maybe it’s too late this year, but perhaps you can start this holiday tradition next year.

10. Banish the holiday blues. When the holidays are set to go for another year, many people find they become a little down. After all, a home that was once filled with merry trinkets may now go back to the bare essentials. Create a tradition where everyone in the family receives one more gift — a personalized ornament that can be packed away for use next year — that’s given in January before the decorations are packed away. It’s another opportunity to open a present, and it symbolizes looking forward to the joy of next year.  Things Engraved sells lots of great ornaments that can be engraved for each member of your family.  Check us out!

What are your favourite holiday traditions?  Share with us on Facebook.