Guest Blog Post – Gift ideas for Teachers, from a Teacher!


We asked Sarah, a Teacher in Alberta, to share with us her top 5 favourite gift ideas for teachers from Things Engraved.

Sarah's Classroom
Sarah’s Classroom

My name is Sarah and I am in my third year of teaching. I teach grade 9 English Language Arts and Religion. Teaching is a very rewarding profession.

My 5 Favourite Gifts:

1.  Black Ceramic Mug with Emblem

 I have a couple cups of tea everyday. Mugs are the perfect, practical gift for any teacher.

2.  A Tree Ornament

 I love receiving Christmas tree ornaments as a gift as they are so unique. Each ornament I have received serves as a reminder of the thoughtful, caring people I have in my life.  A student’s name and year engraved would help me remember a special student that I taught.

3. “A Star is Born” Metal Bookmark

As an English teacher, I love to read. This bookmark would be a welcomed, personal gift for any teacher.

4.  Block Initial  Keychain

Losing keys is a teacher‘s nightmare! Keychains are an inexpensive gift to help locate, identify and personalize keys.

5.  Brushed Metal Apple

I would love to have an apple on my desk. This one could catch paperclips, change or thumb-tacks.”

Find Sarah’s top 5 favourite gifts online or in a store near you.

What would your 5 favourite gifts be?