“To travel is to live” – World Tourism Day – September 27


I want to see the world! Every bit of it! But I want to see some places more than others, and high on my list of places to see is…Canada!

As a Canadian, I have seen far too little of this vast, varied country and while I do plan to escape from time to time to places farther afield, I also have quite a few plans to see more of the great white north.

September 27th is World Tourism Day, and according to the United Nations, it’s purpose is to “foster awareness among the international community of the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic value.” In Canada, tourism plays a huge roll in our economy and it’s no wonder. We have so many unique, interesting and diverse places to see and experience, that the world loves to come play in our back yard (plus they know how darned nice and polite we are, eh? It’s just a bonus that our beer, coffee and sports teams are the best!)

What is on your Canadian travel bucket list? When I asked myself that, I thought, “hmmm, you should google that for MORE ideas!” And so I did. Imagine my surprise that first on the results was a blog entitled http://www.canadianbucketlist.com/blog/. Kinda took the thinking away for me (and that is ALWAYS a good thing).

Here is my top 5 list. Because I am a photographer, mine are heavily weighted towards places that will give me some good material for my instagram feed (only sorta kidding on that ha!)

Julie’s Canadian Tourism Bucket List (in no particular order):

  1. Northern Lights – I must, in my life time, see and take photos of the northern lights.
  2. Lake Louise, AB – Yes, a million photos are taken of that gorgeous lake and mountains, but I want my own. Because that will mean I had BEEN there.
  3. Newfoundland and Labrador – Every single thing about these landscapes draw me there. Rock cliffs and icebergs, unique flora and fauna, lakes and rivers, villages and culture.
  4. Quebec City – I visited there as a teen on a school trip and loved it. But now I want to visit and bask as an adult
  5. Haida Gwaii (formerly the Queen Charlotte Islands), BC – For the same reasons I want to see the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, I also want to see this archipelago on BC’s coast.

Here are my 5 Top Weird Canadian things to do:

  1. Go yurting – Probably in a http://www.ontarioparks.com/roofedaccommodation/yurts.
  2. Sleep in the Hotel de Glace (ice hotel) – Reality is, this will never happen cause I detest being cold. Maybe a day visit though.
  3. Drive a Zamboni – I grew up in arenas in Ontario. But I have never driven a Zamboni – seems like a thing to try.
  4. Sleep one night at the Royal Ontario Museum – I need to see for myself if things do indeed come alive in a museum at night! Similarly, spend at night at the Ripley’s Aquarium. Sleeping with the fish…get it??!!?
  5. Try the Magdelan Island Cave Bash – I only JUST recently heard of this one place and shouted, “I have to try this!!” (it was in my head though, don’t worry.) Waves crash you into the cave walls – there is some scientific reasons for why you don’t die, likely “physics” or some other science I dropped in high school. Either way, sounds like a blast!

How about YOU? What is on YOUR Canadian tourism bucket list?? Wherever your wanderlust takes you, Things Engraved  has many gifts that can be personalized, either to take with you, or to have as a reminder. They also make PERFECT Christmas gifts for the traveler in your life.

Things Engraved
Buck Nobleman Stainless Steel Knife

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Zippo Hand-warmer for all those hikes (or stay overs in ice hotels)

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Classic Brush Metal Zippo Lighter

Things Engraved
A Special Photo Presentation for After a Special Trip

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Military Style Dog Tags – engrave trip memories, dates & quotes

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MOVA Globe to Inspire your next trip

From your Things Engraved Social Team

For these or other great gift ideas to bring along on a trip or to keep as a memento afterwards, visit our website or find it in a store near you.