The Selfie Craze – Summer 2015 Update


Were you taking selfies before they were called “selfies?”  Probably.  But aren’t they the biggest thing right now?  I’m sure you have a friend (or two or five) who posts at least one selfie a week (or per day) to either Facebook or Instagram?  I have a couple of those friends and their selfie-addiction makes me laugh.


So everyone is taking selfies – even Darth Vader and your pets (likely when you’re at work!).  These two selfie photos (dog friends and Star Wars) have gone viral on the internet.

Photo source: Viral on Internet
Photo source: Viral on Internet

And get this – MizMooz created the “selfie shoe” as an April Fools Day” joke.  It’s pretty funny so check our their video here.

Miz Mooz Selfie Shoe - Photo Credit: Miz Mooz
Miz Mooz Selfie Shoe – Photo Credit: Miz Mooz

We first wrote about selfie sticks last summer (which you can read here) and our obsession has not dwindled!  Here are some of us Things Engraved gals taking self pics at a recent “Social Paint Nite” we did together one evening after work.  Notice how we couldn’t quite just get the “stick” part of our selfie out of our photo?  We just need more selfie practice!

More practice with the selfie stick needed!
More practice with the selfie stick needed!

At our last store manager’s meeting we had each team across Canada use one of our selfie sticks to take a group photo.  Fun times were had!

Things Engraved Store Manager Selfies

As you can see we are big into the selfie craze here.  For starters, we sell selfie sticks.  We currently (Summer 2015) have two styles.  Our “old” style requires a timer app on your phone/camera.  It can be purchased online and in-store (while quantities last).  It is currently on Clearance for only $4.97!  Our new style has a cord that plugs into your phone and has a button at the bottom of the handle for easy photo taking.  The new style is currently only available in-store (find a store location here) and sells for $10.  New style or old style, you just need a little practice before coming a selfie star!

Things Engraved Selfie Sticks
Things Engraved Selfie Sticks

Celebrities are big into selfies too.  Who can forget Ellen’s famous group selfie from the 2014 Oscars?  There has also been Bill Nye “the science guy” with President Obama, Beyonce’s photo-bombing selfie with a girl at her concert, and Eminem selfie-ing with the Mona Lisa in Paris (see more here).  So this is a fad that probably isn’t going away.  You might as well grab your phone (and selfie stick) and embrace the selfie craze.

From your Things Engraved Social Team,

Things Engraved Social

This is how it’s done!  Good work Kylie!