Apples, Apples, Everywhere


The beginning of fall marks a delicious time of year…apple season! Of course, we can buy many varieties of apples all year long (more on that shortly). BUT, there is NOTHING like the delicious taste of a freshly picked apple on a chilly bright fall day. I want to bask in how fabulous I feel just thinking about it!


In Canada, we are lucky to have lots of great apple varieties growing here, including some heritage apples. My personal FAVOURITE apple, the golden russet, is one of the heritage varieties, and it is only available for a very short time in the fall, because it does  not store well. It has crunch, it is tart AND sweet, and it is the perfect size for a snack.

September 19th is International Eat an Apple Day, and while we don’t think you should restrict your apple munching to just one day, it DOES seem the perfect excuse to enjoy a few delicious bites on THIS day (maybe even with some caramel sauce for dipping perhaps?)

Quench Magazine wrote an article with a simple list of the varieties available in Canada, along with their best uses. This is a good list to see if there are some new types of apples you should be checking out this fall and winter.

And, speaking of winter, have you ever wondered how apples manage to be kept in storage for so many months, and maintain their texture and taste? In my fridge, they sure don’t last MONTHS! I did a bit of reading and found out there is some interesting science behind this vexing question. Ontario Apple Growers have a nice detailed explanation HERE.

In a nutshell, apples breathe, taking in oxygen and generating carbon dioxide (they sound almost human!). In storage, the apple experts create an environment that reduces to a minimum the amount of respiration. The apples are harvested and immediately put into this storage to basically stop the ripening process until it is time to go to your local supermarket.

Cool, am I right?

Apples are pretty much the perfect food – they are yummy, attractive, affordable AND they keep the doctor away (but only if you eat them everyday). Plus they are so easy to cook with – use them in salads, desserts and even main courses, like this Pork Roast with Apples and Onions from the Pioneer Woman.

One of our social team members recently made a delicious and EASY treat – caramel with apple slices for dipping. All you need is a can of sweetened condensed milk and a few hours. Be sure to get SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK – its the ONLY ingredient in this recipe and we learned the hard way it pretty darned important to buy the right thing LOL! Try this yummy treat this fall: Easy Caramel


Happy Apple Picking!


From your Things Engraved Social Team,

Things Engraved Social

Need a gift for an apple fanatic? They don’t even HAVE to be a teacher, you know? We have a few ideas for you on our website. Click the photo to see more:

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