Pimm’s – A summer time drink recipe


Summer is a popular time for BBQ dinners, pool parties and cottage weekends.  With Canada’s short summers, it is a time to be outside in the sun as much as you can.

Beer, coolers, cider and sangria are popular summertime drinks to serve at summer events, but they can be predictable.  Next time you have friends or family over give our Pimm’s recipe a try to impress your guests!


Things Engraved Pimm’s Recipe:


You will need:

  • A large pitcher
  • A bottle of Pimm’s No.1 (available at most liqueur stores)
  • Lemonade (Any brand of your choice, including concentrate can be used. Pink or white lemonade will both work for this recipe)
  • 10 Mint Leaves (without stems)
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • an orange
  • a lemon
  • a lime


  • Cut cucumber, orange, lemon and lime into thin slices
  • Pour 1 part Pimm’s No.1 with 3 parts Lemonade into the pitcher
  • Add mint leaves, sliced cucumber & fruit into the pitcher
  • Mix all ingredients
  • Refrigerate for 1 hr
  • Serve over ice & enjoy!

pimms 3

Our Pimm’s recipe is easily enjoyed in our Cool Old Fashioned Scotch Glass (shown in the picture above).

What’s your favourite summer drink?